Location: Aida refugee camp, West Bank Photo: zehra imam
Guilt in the Diaspora
Contributed by: Student who wishes to stay anonymous
Date of Testimony: November 22, 2023
Location: United States
I am writing this past 5 AM in the morning which should be a solid indicator of how bad and inconsistent my sleeping schedule has been... I find it hard to sleep with thoughts running through my head non-stop. I wish I could make them stop. I think about my city, my family and my friends a lot.
When I sleep, my dreams are foggy and ominous. Physically, I am in my dorm room or broadly at MIT but in my head I am always back home even in my sleep. I have been dealing with constant headaches because of the lack of adequate and healthy sleep. However, my problems are nothing compared to what my people are experiencing right now so I don’t complain about knowing that I am not the one under the bombings. I am ashamed of myself and I feel guilty every time I get a decent meal or enough amount of sleep to function knowing that my people get nothing of that.