Location: Aida refugee camp, West Bank Photo: zehra imam
Night Raids in Aida Refugee Camp
Location: Aida Refugee Camp, Palestine
Contributed by:
Mohammad Alazza, Photojournalist and Executive Director of Lajee Center
Date of Testimony: November 23, 2023
I usually sleep 4 hours but not always straight. I sometimes wake up in between. I sleep after 1 am. The sleep disruption bothers me a lot because I do not feel rested well and am tired when I wake up. A few times I wake up from thinking the Israeli Occupation Forces is in the camp or coming to our house because of the night raids on the camps every day.
Before the 7th of October, we are always worried. We, as Palestinians, never get 100% of rest. We are always worried, especially here in the West Bank. At any moment the soldiers can come and enter our homes, and this is the thing that we are always thinking about. Before we go to bed or even when we are sleeping, sometimes we have lots of nightmares about the occupation, about invasions in general. But I would say since what is happening on the 7th of October, we worry more about the whole thing. It’s difficult sometimes, honestly, to sleep. I don’t know what’s the right word because I feel myself, I am cheating my own people in Gaza when I go to bed and sleeping and in the same time thinking of more than one million people they don’t have a house, they don’t have a bed, they cannot sleep well, they don’t have enough clothes and it’s cold. It is a terrible feeling, to be honest, when I am thinking especially about families in Gaza.
Now, even in the West Bank, we are feeling more in danger because since the 7th, lots of people were arrested, lots of people were shot, and a few were killed. Easily, as I said in the West Bank, they can enter our homes. There are invasions every day, as well as lots of people who are arrested who did nothing, nothing at all. But they just arrested as much as they can to scare Palestinians as much as they can. It’s difficult to say that we have a good sleep in general with all of what is happening. We rarely sleep enough especially because of what is happening, and I hope that the situation will end soon and all these families who were displaced from their homes, that as soon as possible they will be able to go back to their homes. Or they build them something good to cover them from this cold, from this winter because, really, it is a difficult situation for the people there.