Location: Aida refugee camp, West Bank Photo: zehra imam
Gunshots and Sound Bombs During Confrontations
Contributed by: Areen
Date of Testimony: November 20, 2023
Location: Ramallah, Palestine
Our sleep is affected in many ways. First, all the terrible things happening in Gaza now and the videos we see everyday make us so sad and stressed and we feel helpless. You keep checking your phone as you are worried hence your sleep gets affected all through the night and sometimes you have insomnia, worried that you will wake up to find the soldiers around especially now that they are also bombing some cities in the westbank. I also have other special conditions. We live near a checkpoint. We always hear gunshots and sound bombs during confrontations. This isn't only due to what's happening now, it happens all the time and now it has become worse. Recently, because they imprisoned most of the boys that come to the checkpoint, it isn't frequent anymore. Additionally, sometimes the sound of drones above our skies is scary and annoying.